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What's the Difference Between Revit Groups and KitConnect Components?

Updated: Feb 12

Virtual building modules coming out of a computer

KitConnect Components and Revit Groups are both useful tools for creating assembled building elements in Autodesk Revit, but they function quite differently and offer unique advantages.

Revit Groups:

Revit Groups provide many benefits for combining elements for ease of selection, modification, and repetition. It can be an advantage if the configuration does not require any variations, however, it can also cause trouble when confronted with complex nested hierarchies. Ultimately, Revit Groups are suited to simple and repeatable configurations of elements like furniture layouts or standard room configurations.

  1. Functionality: Revit Groups allow you to combine elements for ease of selection, modification, and repetition. They are ideal for repeating configurations of elements that do not require variations.

  2. Flexibility: While groups can be copied and repeated throughout a project, making changes to one instance of a group will affect all instances. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage depending on the needed flexibility.

  3. Complexity: Groups don't handle complex nested hierarchies very well. If there are groups within groups, making modifications can become challenging and potentially unstable.

  4. Change Management: Revit does not natively provide a feature to track changes made to a Group. Once a group is edited and the changes are saved, those changes apply to all instances of that group throughout the project, and there is no built-in mechanism to track what specific changes were made, by whom, or when. Groups in Revit have the advantage of being reloaded across different project files. Modifying a group in one project can change all instances of that group within that project, but it does not affect the same group used in a different project.

KitConnect Components:

KitConnect is a powerful and flexible Revit plug-in that can help designers save time and reduce costs when creating complex, configurable building components. It provides the ability to create component revisions, manage complex hierarchies, and provide a comprehensive audit trail for significant changes.

  1. Functionality: KitConnect is designed to create and manage multiple heirachies of complex assembled building elements called components.

  2. Flexibility: The ability to create component revisions means that designers have the flexibility to try out different design iterations without permanently altering the original component. If a particular revision doesn't yield the desired results, it's simple to revert back to a previous version.

  3. Complexity: Unlike Revit Groups, KitConnect handles multi-level hierarchies and nested components well. It's designed for managing complex, multi-part assemblies and can handle a higher level of complexity.

  4. Change Management: KitConnect Revisions provide a complete audit trail for components. This means you can see who made a change, what it was, and when. This is crucial for quality control, accountability, and troubleshooting. KitConnect components can be used across multiple projects. When a revision to a component is made, all users who have access to that component in any project are notified of the update and can choose to accept the change.

In Conclusion

KitConnect Components and Revit Groups are both designed to help architects manage building elements in Autodesk Revit.While Revit Groups offer quick solutions for simple assemblies, KitConnect Components are more useful when time-consuming tasks or complex assemblies are required. For a scalable product to meet all the needs of your current or future workspaces, KitConnect is the better choice than Revit Groups.

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